
I enjoy posting about random stuff I find online. Thankfully I don’t decide what to post based on what’s in it for me. I do however want to let you know what might be in it for me.

I have a day job. I work for the world’s first and largest global social agency, Edelman Digital. Anything I post is my personal opinion and should be considered just that.

I’ve had past jobs. I’ve worked for organizations such as Waggener Edstrom, Best Buy, DECA, and The Buffalo Chip in Sturgis South Dakota. Similar to my present day job, anything I say is again my personal opinion and does not reflect that of any other organization.

Does it link to Amazon? It is probably an affiliate link. I’ve had an Amazon affiliate account for years and I figure that I might as well use it if it I’m going to link to Amazon anyways.

I build things. Creating new web sites is a passion of mine. If I like to one of my sites I will try as hard as I can to post near-by that I own the site.

All in all, I’ve done a lot of things in my life that could influence what I post on any of my sites. Everything reflects me  and not the companies I have represented or currently represent. While I will not post content to simply advertise, I will add things to my posts that help fund my projects.

Make the FTC happy: Assume everything I post has a vested interest. If it doesn’t, bonus!!

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